Our Retreats

Enjoy a moment never to forget

It's time to REtreat yourself!

Do you feel that you want to join us when our new retreats will start back in 2022? The interest is hight and the number of places is limited so don’t wait too long to sign up.

Participating in one of these retreats means that you take home tools you can benefit from for the rest of your life, tools with which you can really make a difference in your current life.

Surrender and immersion

The best way to learn and experience Land van Engelingen is through a multi-day experience focused on one specific theme. For example, we offer Yoga, Detox, Mindfulness, Family, Nature, and Silence retreats.

Our retreats are guided by professional trainers with whom we have been working for many years.

Man & Nature

Land van Engelingen wants to allow visitors to improve themselves with the balance between man and nature as a starting point.

A sustainable future where man and nature are in balance. A land where freedom and creativity are stated values.

At the same time, Land van Engelingen likes to play out its location in Haspengouw. Our unique character as a place of silence is a unique asset, besides nature and hospitality.